Our overall objective is to add commercial value to all our services The audit process is structured to meet the needs of clients, and at the same time, respond to the main preoccupations of shareholders and management, thereby adding value through audit works. This methodology has been developed not only to respond and customise specific clients’ needs, but also to regularly upgrade our approach.
The audit approach at SFAI Cameroon is built on developing a good comprehension of every business and the financial risks it faces. Sought expectations are agreed upon at the inception of each mission so that the audit focuses on the needs of the enterprise. This enables us to issue an audit opinion on the financial statements, while at the same time, presenting to business owners value-added information to enhance future growth.
Our Audit services include:
When undertaking internal audits, we design ways and propose methods to properly manage and streamline work processes, recommend the keeping of proper internal records and mandatory records, introduce a system of cross-checking cash and material management, design and recommend different strategies for their overall improvement.
The foundation of every process is a crucial determinant of its eventual fruition, reliability and durability. Working with us is “a stitch in time”; – a form of insurance!
SYLVANI Street, Akwa, P. O. Box 3098 Douala