This department operates under the Approved Management Center (AMC).
The running of AMCs in Cameroon is governed by Decree N° 2000/002/PM of January 06, 2000, which organizes the activities of Approved Management Centers and sets out the tax benefits accruing to members, as amended and supplemented by Decree N° 2007/0456/PM of March 29, 2007 and subsequent amendments.
According to this decree, AMC membership is reserved for Very Small Enterprises (VSEs) and SMEs within the AMC threshold.
AMCs are created by a decree of the Minister of Finance. AMC WAFO & PARTNERS was created by Ministerial Order N° 00000123/MINFI/DGI/LRL/CSR of March 01, 2022.
An AMC is a strategic partner of the tax administration. The Director General of Taxation through Circular No. 012/MINFI/DGI/LRI/L of July 13, 2022, made the AMC a privileged auxiliary between taxpayers and the tax administration. It thus becomes the incubator of good managerial practices and tax compliance.
The Cameroonian legislator has enacted a number of incentives measures reserved exclusively for taxpayers who are AMC members. These include the following tax benefits:
In the incubation phase, which may not exceed five (05) years:
Upon exit from incubation (for a period of five (05) years) :
If the start-up is sold :
Upon entry into the operating phase (for a period of five (05) years) :
Beyond the fifth year:
The foundation of every process is a crucial determinant of its eventual fruition, reliability and durability. Working with us is “a stitch in time”; – a form of insurance!
SYLVANI Street, Akwa, P. O. Box 3098 Douala